![]() | Музыка Рэдволла (англ. Songs from Redwall: 20 Years of Redwall Music) Сборник включает 47 песен из разных аудиокниг о Рэдволле, составлен музыкантом Билли Майэром (Billy Maher). Автор текстов песен - Брайан Джейкс. Песни исполняются на языке оригинала. Общая продолжительность: 1:08:49 Скачать! (~60 Мб) |
# | Название | Книга | Продолжительность |
1 | Introduction | ||
Introduction (Мэриел из Рэдволла) Old stories told by travelers, Great songs that bards have sung, Of Mossflower summers, faded, gone, When Redwall's stones were young. Great Hall fires on winter nights, The legends, who remembers, Battles, banquets, comrades, quests, Recalled midst glowing embers. Draw close now, little woodlander, Take this to sleep with you, My tale of dusty far-off times, When warrior hearts were true. Then store it in your memory, And be the sage who says To young ones in the years to come: "Ah yes, those were the days." |
2 | Rappity Tap | ||
Rappity Tap (Меч Мартина) Open the cupboard the bins and the stores, go fetch out the trolleys and carts, then out to the orchard the gardens and fields, for a harvest to gladden our hearts. Rappety tap, the Abbot’ll call, watch out for those Dibbuns ’cos they’ll eat it all! There’s blackberries blueberries raspberries too strawberries and redcurrants bright, wild cherries blueberries and blaeberries ripe, to be all gathered in by tonight. Rappety tap, wait for the feast, just look at that Dibbun, the greedy wee beast! Bring basket and barrel and bucket and pail, pick rosehips red apples and pears, greengages damsons and plums big and fine, roll your sleeves up and banish your cares. Rappety tap, that babe’s the worst, if he eats another I swear that he’ll burst! There’s almond and hazel and chestnut in bloom, and a crop of good acorns there’ll be, if you hold the ladder I’ll climb to the top, and I’ll knock them all down from the tree. Rappety tap, flat on the ground, he’s rubbing his tummy and rolling around! Let’s gather our harvest and bring it indoors, then the Abbot’ll cr y out ‘Well done!’ We’ve filled up t he cupboards t he bins and t he stores, in good time for the winter to come. Rappety tap, quick close the door, he’s up on his paws and looking for more! |
3 | Song of the River | ||
Song of the River (Саламандастрон) I'll sing you a song of the river-o, Where the water's clean and clear, And the long fast Guosssom logboats go. We're the shrews that know no fear, So bend your back and use those paws. From gravel bank to sandy shores, Your cares and woes will disappear, Just sitting paddling here. Guossssssssom.... Guossssssssom! I'll sing you a song of the river-o. It belongs to me and you. O'er deeps and shallows we'll both go, With the finest Guosssom crew, When other creatures bound to land Will not feel half so free or grand, Or know the water shrews' great skill. So paddle with goodwill. Guosssssssssom.... Guossssssssssom! |
4 | Dingle Duck | ||
Dingle Duck (Талисман из Рэдволла) Some said his head was full of stones, Some said 'twas full of muck, But I tell you, that wasn't true, Oh Dingle was a brainy duck! He knew history and geography, Read books from front to back, But the poor little fellow with his webs so yellow All he could say was Quack! Oh geese go honk and sparrows tweet, I suppose jackdaws shout Jack, But the cleverest bird you've ever heard, Was the duck who just went Quack! One day there came a cunning fox, Who said 'I'm Doctor Black,’ And all the ducks believed he was, 'Til Dingle called him Quack! Oh Quack Quack Quack! Quack Quack Quack! Brave Dingle Quacked and raved, So the ducks jumped Quackly in the pond, And from that fox were saved. If ever you meet dear Dingle, Good manners he won't lack, Just shake his wing, you'll hear him sing, Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack! |
5 | Stars and Moon | ||
Stars and Moon (Талисман из Рэдволла) Bells o'er the woodland Sound sweet and so clear, They peal across meadows and streams. Small birds sing along, Hear their echoing song, Whilst bees hum about their small dreams. So slumber on, little one, Safe here with me, All in the warm afternoon. When the long day is done And deep night's shade is come I will bring you the stars and the moon! |
6 | Log A Log | ||
Log A Log (Меч Мартина) Wally wally dampum dearie, I’ll sail back home next spring. Kiss all the babies for me, an’ teach the lot to sing. Toodle aye toodle oo, me daddy’s a shrew, whose face I can’t recall, but I’ll stay home all season long, until I hears him call. Logalog Logalog Logalog Oooohhhh! Ringa linga ling me darlin’, there’s ribbons for yore hair, I’ll bring to ye a bonnet, an’ a fine red rockin’ chair. Toodle oo toodle ay, just wait’ll the day, Daddy comes paddlin’ in. I’ll grow up big’n’strong then, an’ sail away with him. Logalog Logalog Logalog Ooooooooohhhhhh! |
7 | Ladies | ||
Ladies (Меч Мартина) When I meets a beast wot ain’t polite to laydeez, I grabs ’im round the throat ’til he turns blue, I holds him tight in check as I squeezes on his neck, then I boots his tail three times around the deck! ’Cos be they sisters mothers aunts or daughters, all laydeez must be treated tenderly, they’re dainty an’ they’re neat, an’ they don’t have much to eat, an’ they rouses gentle feelins within me. When I’m around an’ you insults a laydee, I’ll jump on yore stummick very forcibly, then I’ll punch you in the snout an’ I’ll prob’ly knock you out, an’ black both of yore eyes so you can’t see! ’Cos be they sisters mothers aunts or daughters, all laydeez must be treated tenderly, they’re dainty an’ they’re neat, an’ they don’t have much to eat, an’ they rouses gentle feelins within me. So mind yore manners an’ be very careful, when in the company of laydeez sweet, or I’ll shove you in a sack, after fracturin’ yore back, an’ I’ll stamp upon yore paws if you gets free! |
8 | O'er the Hills | ||
O'er the Hills (Дозорный Отряд) O’er the hills an’ far away, ’Twas there I left my dearie, An’ as I left I heard her say, ‘Come back to me d’ye hear me, Y’may eat cake an’ drink pale wine, But come back home at autumn time, An’ on fresh bread’n’cheese you’ll dine, For no one brews good ale like mine. ’O fields are green an’ skies are blue, Ole woods are high an’ full o’ loam, But hearken friend I’ll tell you true, Ain’t no place in the world like home. O’er the hills an’ far away, ‘Tis there my home’s awaitin’, The season’s shorter by a day, Whilst I’m anticipatin’ A logfire made from cracklin’ pine, An’ washin’ dancin’ on the line, As blossoms ’round the door entwine, Hurrah, for there’s that dearie mine! |
9 | Plant Song | ||
Plant Song (Изгнанник) See all the plants of the woodland are mine, Gillifiow'r, nettle, dock, and columbine; Good Nature provided these things for my own, The speedwell, fine cottongrass, and the cockscomb; They grow and they flourish in sunshine or rain, Groundsel, rush, hemlock, soapwort, and verbane; Some in the summer and others in spring, Whilst others in autumn do cause me to sing; Yarrow and arrowroot, bracken and bramble, Pennywort, chervil, marestail, and eyebright, Teazel and thistle and ivy to ramble, Whilst lily and violet await morning light. Mint, borage, fennel, and basil are mine, Like lavender, rosemary, thyme, and woodbine! |
10 | Dungle Drips | ||
Dungle Drips (Меч Мартина) Whooooaaah! Let’s do ee jig o’ Dungle Drips, woe to ee furst likkle paw wot slips, chop off ee tail, throw um in bed, wiv a bandage rownd ee hedd! Feed ee choild on strawbee pudd, gurt fat h’infants uz darnce gudd, Dungle Drips naow clap ee paws, tug moi snout an’ oi’ll tug yores. Bow to ee h’Abbot, gudd day zurr, twurl ee rounden everywhurr, Dungle Drips bee’s gurt gudd fun, oop t’bed naow likkle ’un. Whoooooaaah! |
11 | Tilly the Wild | ||
Tilly the Wild (Остров Королевы) Ho wreck me rudder, stove me planks, an' rust me anchor chain, salute me twice as you walk by, or ye'll never walk again, hahaarr! I'm Tillie the wild'n'terrible, the fiercest cook afloat, I was born in a storm one icy morn on a leaky pirate boat, I can lick me weight in vermin, so don't dare mess with me, I'm a high-falutin' plunderin' lootin' terror o' the sea! Ho rip me riggin, batter me bows, an' splinter my mainmast, when I says move out of me way, ye'd better move right fast, hahaarr! I'm Cap'n Cuthbert Bloodpaw, an' me father was a whale, so stay clear of me vittles, or I'll bite off yore tail, I cut me teeth on a cutlass, oh I was a savage child, I'm a hairy scarey go anywherey buckoe bold'n'wild! So tear me tiller, scrape me stern, an' gut me galley twice, I'll send ye to the ole seabed, with y'tail tied in a splice, hahaarr! |
12 | Frog Song | ||
Frog Song (Клятва воина) There once was a frog an’ his name was ole Glogg, He lived in a log on top of a bog. He loved plum pudden an’ gooseberry pie, but if anybeast dared to come near him he’d cry. Frog bog log Glogg! Pudden an’ pie he’d loudly cry! Wot a hard terrible life! To his abode down the road came a toad, bearin’ a load as she puffed an’ blowed, ‘I’m tired of this bundle atop of my head, I’m almost half dead but I’m fit to be wed. Frog bog log Glogg! Pudden an’ pie he’d loudly cry! Abode road toad load! Head dead fit t’be wed! Wot a hard terrible life! He took both her paws an’ pulled her indoors. She swept the floors an’ did all his chores. Her bundle came open, ten tadpoles jumped out, ‘Oh good day to ye, dad.’ They all gave a great shout. Frog bog log Glogg! Pudden an’ pie he’d loudly cry! Abode road toad load! Head dead fit t’be wed! Dad! Dad! The frog’s gone mad! Wot a hard terrible wife!” |
13 | Worm Song | ||
Worm Song (Остров Королевы) O I knew a worm who turned to his tail, an' this is wot he said, I wish that you'd stop followin' me, as though we both were wed. Said the tail to the head stop pullin' me, 'cos I've no wish to go, besides, I think yore really a tail, an' I'm the head you know! This caused the worm some great concern, he said, I'm sure yore wrong, an' they both began to bicker about, to whom did the stomach belong? Both tempers did boil, while disputin' a coil, they fell into an awful fight, they wriggled an' squirmed an' waggled an' turned, for worms as ye know can't bite. Then a big blackbird, who'd heard every word, came flutterin' out of a tree, I'll oblige ye both, the blackbird quoth, an' he ate them both for tea. So that was that, he settled their spat, an' I'll bid ye all good day, for it's head to tails when reasonin' fails, a worm should crawl away! |
14 | Skilly and Duff | ||
Skilly and Duff (Остров Королевы) There's goin' to be a mutinee, mate, I'm a-tellin' you, if there ain't skilly'n'duff for tea, to feed this big fat crew. Don't dish 'em up no salad leaves, or no burrgooly stew, if there ain't skilly'n'duff for tea, they might eat me'n'you! Whoa! Skilly'n'duff, that's the stuff, for my ole crew t'chew, it's hot'n'thick so take your pick, it'll do the trick if you feel sick. So fill yore turn, by gum ole chum, don't pant'n'wheeze'n'puff, you'll run like a hare an' fight like a bear, on good ole skilly'n'duff. So don't stand lookin' silly, feed me lots o' skilly . . . an' duff! |
15 | Dawn | ||
Dawn (Меч Мартина) I have a friend as old as time, yet new as every day. She banishes the night’s dark fears, and sends bad dreams away. She’s always there to visit me, so faithfully each morn, so peaceful and so beautiful, my friend whose name is Dawn. She fills the air with small birds’ song, and opens all the flowers. She bids the beaming sun to shine, to warm the daylight hours. She comes and goes so silently, to leave the earth reborn, serene and true, all clad in dew, my friend whose name is Dawn. |
16 | Paddling | ||
Paddling (Саламандастрон) From lake to the river and down to the sea, Paddling, paddling, onward go we. The sun on the water does shine merrily As away go the logboats like birds wild and free. So paddle, my brother, I'll sit next to you, A fine handsome creature, a bold Guosssom shrew. High sky and deep water are both colored blue. Our boats like our friends are all solid and true. |
17 | Education | ||
Education (Трисс Воительница) O’tis marvellous what an education docs for a chap, His eyes light up when he puts on the old thinkin’ cap, His brain begins to whirr an’ click, Ideas pour in fast an’ thick, ‘Cos that’s what an education’s for! If it takes one mole to dig a hole, Ten seasons and a bit. How many moles could dig that hole, If they were fat an’ fit? Then if two squirrels helped them, As deep as they could reach. If those two squirrels made a pair, The answer is a peach! That’s what an education does for a chap, It leaves the blinkin’ duffers in a bit of a flap, For learnin’ facts you may depend, One spouts out answers without end, So hearken now an’ I’ll astound you more! If two sparrows had six arrows, And set out to shoot a duck, Just how long would it take them, Before they had some luck? The answer’s jolly simple, As clever types will know, To bag that duck they had no luck, Because they had no bow! ‘Cos that’s what an education does for a chap, When learnin’ dawns upon him like a big thunderclap, As they hear his knowledge flow, The clods will cheer and shout what ho, Now that’s what an education’s for! If I had two an’ you had two, And she had two as well, If they had two, just like we two, The truth to you I’ll tell, If one knew far too little, Those facts would be too few, But if one had education, One would find the answers, too! |
18 | Pull Boys Pull | ||
Pull Boys Pull (Саламандастрон) Pull, boys, pull! O, we're the sons of the roarin' shrews And a logboat is the home we choose. O, pull, me bullies, pull! Now we can stamp an' we can fight An' paddle logboats day and night. Pull, boys, pull! I was bom in a stream on a stormy day, So I jumped in a boat and paddled away. O, pull, me bullies, pull! A paddle's me son an' a boat's me wife, An' the open water is me life. Pull, boys, pull! O, I can scoff an' outfight you, I'm the paddlin' son of a roarin' shrew. O, pull, me bullies, pull! |
19 | Peaceful Night | ||
Peacful Night (Остров Королевы) Oh you sun now run away, run away, little stars come out to play, out to play, baby mine come close your eyes, sleep until the new dawnrise, I will sing thee lullabies, through this peaceful night. All the earth is standing still, standing still, darkness blankets field and hill, field and hill, birds do slumber in the nest, busy bees have gone to rest, all good mothers know what's best, for the babes they love. When tomorrow comes anew, comes anew, there'll be lots of things to do, things to do, 'neath a summer sky of blue, roses blooming just for you, birds will sing so sweetly, too, for my own dear one. |
20 | Martin | ||
Martin (Саламандастрон) In days of old a worrior bold, All powsore, tired and lame, Came marching through the winters cold And Martin was his name. Martin, Martin, The Warrior of Redwall, With courage and his trusty sword, He came to save us all. Now in those high and far-off days, The country was oppressed By vermin cruel, whose tyrant ways Would let no creature rest. But truth and brav'ry won the day, For through all Mossflow'r wide, Good honest creatures made their way To stand by Martin's side... And they cried: Martin, Martin, The Warrior of Redwall, With courage and his trusty sword, He came to save us all. The evil ones he put to flight And justice he restored. His heart was strong, his cause was right, And mighty was his sword. He helped to build our Abbey here, The land rings with his fame. Now peace lives here, we know no fear, For Martin was his name. Martin, Martin, The Warrior of Redwall, With courage and his trusty sword, He came to save us all. |
21 | Summer Sun | ||
Summer Sun (Трисс Воительница) Summer summer summer sun, Rumpetty dumpetty dumpetty dum, See birds a-chirpin’ in the air An’ bees a-buzzin’ everywhere. With sun to shine an’ warm my fur, Oh how could I have a care, a care, Oh how could I have a care? Summer summer summer sun, That’s the time for havin’ fun, Grasshoppers whirr an’ hop around, Flowers come shootin’ out the ground, Butterflies pass without a sound, As bright long days abound, abound, As bright long days abound! Summer summer summer sun, Can’t catch me ‘cos off I’ll run, I’ll dash into the stawb’rry patch An’ every one I see I’ll snatch. Gobble it up, right down the hatch, A fine tummyache I’ll catch, I’ll catch, A fine tummyache I’ll catch! |
22 | Tramp Tramp Tramp | ||
Tramp Tramp Tramp (Клятва воина) Set mah plate an’ mah tankard on the table, an’watch out for me comin’ home tonight. Keep mah supper in the oven if yore able, an’ in the window place a welcome light. Tramp tramp tramp! Hear what the Sergeant said, tonight ah’ll be sleepin’ in mah own wee bed! No more layin’ ’neath the stars in the heather, no more eatin’ what the greasy cook has burned, no more toilin’ through the cold’n’rainy weather, once tae mah bonny home ah have returned. Tramp tramp tramp! Hear what the Sergeant said, tonight ah’ll be sleepin’ in mah own wee bed! |
23 | Footlecum Dur | ||
Footlecum Dur (Трисс Воительница) Young Footlecum Durr, I do declare, Was a fanciful little shrew. With waxy grease he curled his fur An’ wore a greatcoat o’ blue. His ma was ever so fond of him, That lest his paws should bruise She made for him from aspen skin A brand-new pair of shoes. Well, pickle my fur, I tell you, sir, Do you believe the news? O what to do, a Guosim shrew, Clompin’ about in shoes! With laces green, the best you’ve seen, An’ silver bells each end, He strutted here an’ swaggered there, An’ jigged about no end. Til Footlecum took off his shoes, An’ paddlin’ went one day. Then a big old owl, the thievin’ fowl, Swooped down an’ stole’em away. So now in the night, if you wake in a fright At a strange sound in the air, Tis only that bird that you have heard In the shoes of Footlecum Durr. Too whit too woo, a ding dong clomp, He’s dancin’ round out there, Pursued by a shrew, cryin’ out OHey you, They’re the shoes of Footlecum Durr! |
24 | Barnacles | ||
Barnacles (Остров Королевы) Hey now, hark belay there an' listen ole mate, Hear the high seas a-callin', c'mon let's not wait, out there on the briny with no land in sight, just the gold sun above ye an' bright stars at night. Ho barnacles binnacles bungtops an' blood! In the kingdom of fishes they sport an' they play, the herrin' the mackerel the fluke an' the ray, in bluey green deeps where the long seaweed grows, there swims an' ould dolphin they call Bottlenose. Ho barnacles binnacles bungtops an' blood! Set course by yore rudder an' trim up those sails, we'll plough on forever through doldrums an' gales, bound for the red sunset far over the main, an' leave the landlubbers to roam hill an' plain. Ho barnacles binnacles bungtops an' blood! |
25 | Sleep Baby Sleep | ||
Sleep Baby Sleep (Талисман из Рэдволла) Where glides the butterfly, O'er some still pond, There is my little love, Dear one so fond. Hush now you humming bee, Soft shadows creep, Silent in summer's eve, Sleep baby sleep. |
26 | Honey | ||
Honey (Трисс Воительница) Mix honey with honey an’ honey in honey, Get a big pot here an’ pour it on thick, Honey, fine honey, so golden an’ sunny, We’ll stir it all up with a green willow stick. Nod your head wag your tail, Sup it from pan or pail, Join up our paws an’ go round in a loop, Buzz like the bees do to flowers an’ trees, But fetch me a bowl of good Bumblebee Soup. Oh bumblebee, don’t stumble or tumble, Come out of the flowers now, back to your hives, Fly back to your home, sir, an’ fill up each comb there, For granma’s an’ granpa’s an’ babies an’ wives. Striped all with fluffy down, Golden an’ furry brown, Bow to your partner an’ yell a great whoop, Now form a square, an’ you may find it there, A bowl of your favourite Bumblebee Soup! |
27 | Mouse and Mole | ||
Mouse and Mole (Колокол Джозефа) One, two, let me bow to you, Away we go from the center through. Oh there was a mouse in Mossflower, And he was plump and cheery, Lived right next to a mole so fair, A little dark-eyed dearie. Three, four, I'll tell you more, Whirl your partner round the floor! She baked a pie, oh my, oh my, And said, "I've got no cherries, Sir mouse when you go out abroad, Will you bring back some berries?" Five, six, here's a fix, Curtsy maids and gather sticks! The mouse roved out into the woods, And came back heavy laden, With cherries and ripe fruit to boot, To give unto the maiden. Seven, eight, stand and wait, Clap your paws, it's very late! The mole took up a wooden bowl, The mouse he grabbed a ladle, And as they ate that lovely pie, They danced around the table. Nine, ten and back to one, Bow to your partners for the dance is done! Martin, Martin, The Warrior of Redwall, With courage and his trusty sword, He came to save us all. |
28 | Rose Song | ||
Rose Song (Меч Мартина) I planted her gently last summer, all in quiet evening shade, within an orchard bower, her little bed I made. Alone I sat by my window, as autumn leaves did fall, they formed a russet cover for My Rose of Old Redwall. Through winter’s dreary days she slept beneath the cold dark ground, when all the earth was silent, white snows lay deep around. Bright stars came out above her, as to the moon I’d call, take pity on my dearest one, My Rose of Old Redwall. How the grass grew green and misty, soft fell the rain that spring, her dainty budded head arose, and made my poor heart sing. Then summer brought her just one bloom, so white, so sweet and tall, with ne’er a thorn to sully her, My Rose of Old Redwall. Martin, Martin, The Warrior of Redwall, With courage and his trusty sword, He came to save us all. |
29 | Winter O | ||
Winter O (Мэриел из Рэдволла) The winter O, the winter O, With cold and dark and driving snow, O not for me the winter O, My friend I tell you so. In spring the winds do sport and play, And rain can teem down anyday, While autumn oft is misty gray, My friend hear what I say. When summer sunlight comes each morn, The birds sing sweet each golden dawn, And flow'rs get kissed by every bee, While shady stands the tree. The summer O, the summer O, Amid its golden peace I go, From noon to lazy evening glow. My friend I told you so. |
30 | Algy and Bobbs | ||
Algy and Bobbs (Клятва воина) Old Algy an’ Bobbs an’ me, received the official call, to attend A.S.A.P. at the Regimental Ball. All togged up in our best, weren’t we a sight to see, combed an’ brushed an’ polished, old Algy an’ Bobbs an’ me! Honour an’ bow to your partners, chaps of the Long Patrol. Whirl’n’curl’n’twirl your tail, as round the floor we roll. All the pretty ladies, lookin’ for company, an’ didn’t we oblige them, old Algy an’ Bobbs an’ me! Refreshments then were served, an’ Bobbs slipped on a flan. He bumped the Colonel’s daughter headfirst into a pan. Then Algy slung a pudden, hit the Major’s bride-to-be. An’ the Sergeant fired a crumble at Algy an’ Bobbs an’ me! O pass me a trifle smartly, with a cherry on top for luck. It smacked the Quartermaster, he was bowled out for a duck. Lathered in cream an’ howlin’, ‘Arrest those bloomin’ three.’ We wound up in the guardhouse, old Algy an’ Bobbs an’ me! |
31 | Shrum | ||
Shrum (Колокол Джозефа) I was bom on a stream and fed from a paddle, Shrum a doo rye 'ey, shrum a doo rye 'ey, And here I'll stay 'til me tail don't waggle, See longweeds grow where the currents flow, Aye that's the way I like it soooooooooooo. Shrum a doo rye 'ey, shrum a doo rye 'ey, Ho run you river, run my way, Ho ummm, Ho ummmm, Ho ummmm!" |
32 | Lark Song | ||
Lark Song (Остров Королевы) When the new day is dawning the lark doth ascend. If I could but speak to her I'd make her my friend. She would tell of her journey to the lands of the sky, where the soft fields of cloud like white pillows do lie. She would sing of the earth far below that she'd seen, all patched in a quiltwork of brown, gold and green. As she wings on the zephyrs of smooth morning breeze to rise from the meadows, the hills or the trees. With the evening come down, little bird, cease thy flight 'til the blue peaceful morning awakes from the night. |
33 | To Table | ||
To Table (Поход Матиаса) To table, to table and eat what you may. Come brothers, come sisters, come all. Be happy, be joyful, upon our feast day, Eight seasons of peace in Redwall. So sing from dusk to dawn And let the Abbey bells ring. The sun will bring the morn. And still we will merrily sing. |
34 | Rakkety Tam | ||
Rakkety Tam (Клятва воина) Rakkety Rakkety Rakkety Tam, the drums are beatin’ braw. Rakkety Rakkety Rakkety Tam, are ye marchin’ off tae war? A warrior from the borders came, a buckler o’er his shoulder, a claymore swingin’ at his side, there’s no’ a beast who’s bolder! O Rakkety Tam has sold his sword, Ah scarce believe he’s done it. He swore an oath untae a fool, who took his pledge upon it! |
35 | Me Mammy | ||
Me Mammy (Клятва воина) Now me mammy once said, don’t ye live all alone, keep yore bits an’ small pieces together, for one day you’ll need them to furnish yore home, ’neath a roof warm an’ safe from the weather. For of all the fine places a heart’s ever known, sure there’s none that I love like me dear little home. Then go find ye someone who will care for ye good, to sit quiet by yore side at the fire, an’ if he treats ye decent as you hoped he would, you’ll have all that your heart can desire. For of all the fine places a heart’s ever known, sure there’s none that I love like me dear little home. Let the wind howl outside an’ the rain batter down, with the hearth snug an’ cosy indoors, no Queen in a palace who wears a gold crown, knows a life full and happy as yours. For of all the fine places a heart’s ever known, sure there’s none that I love like me dear little home. |
36 | Moles Song | ||
Moles Song (Мартин Воитель) Give 'ee, give you, give them'n give oi, Turnip 'n' tater 'n' beetroot poi, Gurt platters each morn, an' more at 'ee noight, Fill oi a bowlful, et tasters jus' roight. An' iffen 'ee infant wakes, starten to croi, Feed 'im turnip 'n' tater 'n' beetroot poi. Et's gudd furr 'ee stummick, et's good furr' ee jaws, Makes' em grow oop wi' big strong diggen claws. Nought gives us molers more pleasure 'n' joy Than turnip 'n' tater 'n' beetroot poi! |
37 | Paws | ||
Paws (Талисман из Рэдволла) Mountains rivers valleys seas, Whose little paws are these, are these? Meadows, woodlands fields and shores, These little paws are yours, are yours! If you don't give me a kiss, I will tickle paws like this! |
38 | October Ale | ||
October Ale (Дозорный Отряд) October Ale, 'tis brewed when summer's done, From hops'n'yeast an' barley fine, With just a pinch of dandelion, A smidgeon of good honey, a taste of elderflower, An' don't forget the old wild oat Culled at the dawn's first hour. We puts it up in casks of oak, All seasoned well with maple smoke, Then lays it in cool cellars deep, Ten seasons long to sleep. October Ale, no drink so good'n'cheery In winter by the fireside bright To warm your paws the whole long night, Or after autumn harvesting, to rest an' take your ease. Just sip a tankard nice'n'slow. With crusty bread an' cheese. 'Tis wholesome full an' hearty For any feast or party. We'd tramp o'er forest hill an' dale For good October Ale! |
39 | Slumber On | ||
Slumber On (Клятва воина) When the sun slips oТer the treetops, then small birds fly off to nest. Feel the peace lie on the meadows, Тtis a time that I love best. Slumber on, little one, I am ever near. Drowsily, lean on me, dream small dreams, my dear. All the jewelled stars a-twinkle, watch the clouds drift through the night. Sail upon thy boat of dreaming, to the rays of dawningТs light. Slumber on, day is gone, by thy side IТll lay. Fear no harm, rest in calm, Тtil the golden day. |
40 | My Caterpillar | ||
My Caterpillar (Изгнанник) I once 'ad a cattypillar come t'live with me, We was both the best of friends as ever there c'd be. He'd wiggle "round upon the ground, he'd smile an' shake my paw. An' every time that 1 went out, stop in an* guard my door. But men one time when I returned I cried out "Lack a day!" My little cattypiilar, he had left an' gone away. An' there upon my mantelpiece a butterfly I saw, Far too proud to speak to me, he flew right out the door. Colored bright in warm sunlight, that creature winged away, I've never found my cattypillar to this very day. Which makes me say unto myself, now I am old and wise, I do like cattypillars, but I can't stand butterflies! |
41 | Laddie Buck | ||
Laddie Buck (Остров Королевы) Pick 'em up laddie buck! an' put 'em down laddie buck! You've made it home an' now you're out of luck, out of luck! Oh 'tis nice to march back home, when there's nowhere else to go, for home is every warrior's desire. To see the ones you love, beat each other black'n'blue, while your dear old granny's roastin' by the fire! Pick 'em up laddie buck! an' put 'em down laddie buck! You've made it home an' now you're out of luck, out of luck! To taste your mother's cookin', an' have bellyache all day, o what a sad an' sorry tale is this. If I could just escape, to some regimental camp, I'd give some ugly sergeant one big kiss! Pick 'em up laddie buck! an' put 'em down laddie buck! You've made it home an' now you're out of luck, out of luck! But I cannot run away, 'cos my sister pinched me boots, she bit me nose an' stole me uniform. An' Dad's nailed up the door, wot a lovely welcome home, from a family so kind an' sweet an' warm! Pick 'em up laddie buck! Put 'em down laddie buck! You've made it home an' now you're out of luck, out of luck! |
42 | Gates of Spring | ||
Gates of Spring (Изгнанник) I went off to my bed on one dark winter's night, When the ground was all snowy and covered up white, And snug in my blanket I started to dream That the ice had all melted away from the stream. Ooooh! Flip plop, hear the water drop, And larks take wing as the buds go pop! And the sun do shine as the birds do sing, Throw open wide the gates of Spring! Then I dreamt that I felt all the earth come awake, And the sky was as blue as a clear mountain lake, And through that old dream a good sound ringing true, 'Twas the heralding song of a happy cuckoo! Ooooh! Flip plop, hear the water drop, And larks take wing as the buds go pop! And the sun do shine as the birds do sing, Throw open wide the gates of Spring! Fol de rol de lair oh lair oh, Hail the newborn day, Spring has made the weather fair oh, Winter's gone away! |
43 | Little Ones | ||
Little Ones (Дозорный Отряд) O here's to the little ones, Sunshine on all, As we grow old'n'small, May they grow tall, Not knowing hungeror winter's cold bite, Fearing no living thing,by day or night, Strong in the heart,and sturdy of limb, Making us proud to know of her or him. Here's to the life we love,honest and new, Grant all these hopes and dreams come true, With each fresh dawn may joy never cease, Long seasons of happiness and peace! |
44 | Walla Walla | ||
Walla Walla (Клятва воина) A gallant young warrior lay weary, on a battlefield far from his home. He tried to sit up and sound cheery, an’ these were the words he did moan. Ooooooohhh Walla walla wimbo, bing bang bimbo, wullyah wullyah wullyah whoo! Wot I wouldn’t give for a basinful of me grandma’s hard-baked stew! Give this pudden back to me dear mother, an’ tell her I slew ten vermin with it. Say I don’t wish to cause any bother, but the Sergeant’s a silly great twit! Oooooooohhhhh Walla walla wimbo, bing bang bimbo, wullyah wullyah wullyah whoop! I must complain I’ve got a pain, an’ the cook makes poison soup! Tell my fat little sister I love her, an’ give her this flea-ridden coat. Say it comes from her handsome young brother, it was swiped off a greasy old stoat. Oooooooohhhhh Walla walla wimbo, bing bang bimbo, wullyah wullyah wullyah whoo! Me ears are green an’ me bottom’s red, an’ me nose is turnin’ blue! Now the foebeast are nearly upon me, I’m eatin’ a raw onion pie. I’ll remember me auntie quite fondly, but it’s so jolly hard not to cry. Ooooooohhhhhh Walla walla wimbo, bing bang bimbo, wullyah wullyah wullyah yaah! I’ve finished me scoff so I’ll be off, I’ll be home by teatime, Ma! |
45 | Good Fortune | ||
Good Fortune (Меч Мартина) When the sun sets like fire, I will think of you, when the moon casts its light, I’ll remember, too, if a soft rain falls gently, I’ll stand in this place, recalling the last time, I saw your kind face. Good fortune go with you, to your journey’s end, let the waters run calmly, for you, my dear friend. |
46 | Goodnight | ||
Goodnight (Мэриел из Рэдволла) A hare beyond compare, so spiffin' and so fair, Oh, Rosie, Rosie, dear my honey Hon, I wouldn't swap your affections for a heap of confections, Not for ... blackb'rry pie, oh my oh my. October Ale would surely fail, Summer salad couldn't stop my ballad, Hazelnut pudden'd just taste wooden, As for cheese on toast it'd make me weep. Feel so hungry, Rosie, I'd better go ... to ... sleep ... |
47 | Home | ||
Home (Изгнанник) See the smoke curl from the chimney, An' the mat beside the door, On the path there stands the family, Like you left 'em long before. Home returning, home returning, Seasons gone an' young uns grown, Home returning, home returning, Back to those I call my own! There the fire bums and the ale brews, And the bread bakes soft an' brown. While my friends wait with the good news, Bring my chair an' sit me down. Home returning, home returning, Comes the warrior from the war, Home returning, home returning, Home to wander nevermore! |